Disability Inclusion - Anglican Missions

Disability Inclusion


Everyone should have equal opportunity to participate in society.

However, in many places this is not the case. This project will help convert All Saints Fasi Church, Tonga into a disability inclusive evacuation centre for natural disasters. This will help people with disabilities to feel more included and welcomed in a disaster response.

Marks of Mission



Making safety accessable to all.

Many evacuation centres in Tonga are not able to be entered or used by persons with disabilities. This may be because of insufficient or inaccessible transport to evacuation centres or a lack of assistive devices to move around a public spaces.

People with disabilities are not always made aware of the severity of weather and feel their homes are safe enough during a natural disaster, where they feel comfortable and can stay with people they know.

Project goals.

The goal of this project is to create a safe, suitable and dignified place for children and adults with physical/sensory (hearing/vision)/intellectual impairment to evacuate to during a disaster. This includes:

  • Installing a ramp leading into the church hall for access 
  • Installing a disability toilet 
  • Paving a concrete path to the church water tank (wide enough for a wheelchair). 
  • Paving a concrete path to evacuation centre and toilets 
  • Installation of suitable signage
  • Installation of lighting as required

Donate to the Disability Inclusion Project