Water For All - Anglican Missions

Water For All

Having access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human right.

However, due to increasing population density, poor land-use planning and the impacts of climate change, many Fijians are denied this right. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem.

This year we will continue our mission to provide Water For All the communities in Fiji, with a particular focus on improving rural communities’ access to clean water. Water tanks (which come with their stands and fittings) will be installed using local labour and locally sourced materials.

Having access to a clean, safe and consistent supply of water will provide many advantages, for example, more crops can be grown, and more nutritious meals can be put on the table which will improve the general wellbeing of households.

Marks of Mission



Access to Water is an Ongoing Need.

Due to increasing population density, poor land-use planning and the impacts of climate change, access to safe and sustainable water sources is an ongoing need for some of the most vulnerable communities in Fiji. In 2021, we provided five water tanks (which come with their stands and fittings) in Fiji, using local labour and locally sourced materials to install and maintain them.

The Anglicare Projects Officer from the Diocese of Polynesia in Fiji monitors the implementation of the water tanks, which are of great benefit to the local community, particularly women and youth.

Project Outcomes.

Our 2021 Water for All project helped six communities of Fiji: Naviavia, Natakea, Nabatolu, Maniava, Nadrala and Yalava. These areas are prone to natural disasters such as cyclones and floods, as well as dry spells during the year.

More than 200 people directly benefitted from the safe, accessible and a consistent supply of water that these tanks will provide. Many more benefit from the long term advantages of having access to clean water – more crops can be grown and more nutritious meals can be put on the table, which will improve the general wellbeing of households.

Download project resources.

Water For All Project Card

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